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PCCD - Celebrating Success: PCCD-funded PA Vantage Point Program Empowers Women in Reentry with Ms. Tingle at the Helm

In 2023, Kintock's PCCD Vantage Point Program for Women was awarded a $100,000 grant by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to provide supportive reentry assistance to women released from prison in the Philadelphia area. The program was a resounding success, enrolling 23 women and utilizing all of the grant funding to provide vital support to these women, thanks to the dedication and efforts of Ms. Melody Tingle.

Supportive Reentry Assistance

From March 2023 to March 2024, the PA Vantage Point Program assisted 23 women, guiding them through the complexities of reintegration and providing financial assistance with rent, food, tuition and childcare. The results speak volumes: an astounding 22 out of 23 participants successfully completed the program, a testament to its effectiveness in empowering women to rebuild their lives.

Compassionate Leadership

“Central to this success story is the compassionate leadership of Ms. Melody Tingle, our esteemed Reentry Specialist. Drawing from her wealth of experience, including her previous tenure at Kintock, Ms. Tingle lent her expertise and unwavering support to each participant, investing countless hours to ensure their needs were met,” said Paul Taggines, COO.

Ms. Tingle went above and beyond to provide encouragement and support, in additional to practical assistance, to help empower these women. Further, her dedication extended beyond individual support; she actively engaged with the community, raising awareness about the program and its transformative impact. Through her advocacy and outreach efforts, she amplified the program's reach, ensuring that more women in need could benefit from its services.

“The PA Vantage Point Program provided crucial support for women navigating the challenges of reentry. Through rental assistance, tuition support, childcare aid, meal planning, and transportation assistance, we have addressed critical needs, fostering stability and empowerment for our participants, said Mr. Taggines.

“This holistic approach reflects our commitment to addressing the multifaceted barriers that women face upon reentry,” he added.

Client Testimonials

At the heart of the program’s success are the stories of transformation and gratitude shared by participants:

“I am so grateful for the Kintock program helping me immensely with my rent, food and the support of Ms. Tingle who checked on me regularly and encouraged me to never give up, always do what is right and pursue my goals with passion,” said Valerie Todd.

Nija Fleming's testimonial underscores the life-changing support provided by Ms. Tingle, from securing essential resources to navigating the journey to independence with dignity and empowerment: “I’m, just so grateful for Ms Tingle and Vantage Point, my transition from a halfway house to Safe Haven to my own place has been amazing experience. To Ms. Tingle and Vantage Point, you’re much appreciated,” said Nija Fleming.

Eureka Jones's heartfelt appreciation echoes the sentiment shared by many, emphasizing the vital role of compassionate support in rebuilding lives and fostering resilience.

“Ms. Tingle, I’m so thankful for you. I thank you for helping me get into a home, I thank you for helping me get back on my medication. I also want to thank you for the food vouchers that you have given me. They need more people like you,” said Eureka Jones.

Looking Ahead

The success of the PCCD Vantage Point Program for Women demonstrates Kintock's commitment to providing vital services to women in need. The program's positive impact on the lives of these women and their families will contribute to safer communities for all.

“We are proud of Ms. Tingle and all of the staff who worked hard to make this program a success. Kintock looks forward to implementing and expanding its footprint through more programs like Vantage Point, leveraging grant resources to serve even more women in need,” noted Walter Simpkins, CEO.

PCCD - Celebrating Success: PCCD-funded PA Vantage Point Program Empowers Women in Reentry with Ms. Tingle at the Helm
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580 Virginia Drive Suite 250

Fort Washington, PA 19034

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