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Visitor Dress Code

  • No overcoats, topcoats, jackets, heavy gauge or length jackets will be permitted. Blazers, button-up sweaters, and suit jackets are the only permissible outerwear admitted to the visit area.

  • Culottes, skirts, or similar items must be at least to the fingertips of the wearer or mid-thigh length. Inseam or slit must be less than three inches above the knee. No low-rise shorts or pants that expose the midriff area or any portion of the buttocks. Shorts are not permitted. (The exception to the no short rule is children under 10 years of age; however, they must cover from waist to mid-thigh).

  • No head gear or hats unless religious in nature and approved for visits. Visitors who indicate that their headwear is religious in nature may be permitted to visit, provided they submit to a search. In some cases, it might be necessary to remove the headwear in order for the item to be searched properly. Visitor will be afforded reasonable privacy during that search. A visitor’s refusal to submit to this search procedure would result in the denial of a visit.

  • See-through blouses, or items which do not cover the front and back of the body are prohibited. No transparent or fishnet clothing. No clothing which exposes undergarments, or a portion of the body considered private. Tops must cover shoulders and midriff areas. No tube tops, tank tops, halter tops. Low cut shirts or shirts with exposed shoulders, midriff, torso or back or any other items of clothing that staff deems as inappropriate.

  • No bike pants, or tights with no skirt, pants, or shirt over them to cover the buttocks and upper thigh areas.

  • No skin-tight clothing will be permitted.

  • No slit skirts/dresses, wrap-around skirt/dresses, or skirt/dresses that button or zipper the entire length of the garment are permitted to be worn on visits.

  • No military style clothing worn by persons not in active or reserve military status.

  • No clothing depicting a message, either in wording or art, which could impact upon the safety, security, or orderly operation of the facility, including, but not limited to, that which is offensive, racist, sexually oriented, or advocates illegal or narcotic activities.

  • No clothing which may be gang-related in nature, e.g., colors and/or symbols.

  • No thong sandals, flip flops or beach footwear

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El Grupo Kintock, Inc.

580 Virginia Drive Suite 250

Fort Washington, PA 19034

Kintock es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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© 2021 The Kintock Group, Inc.

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